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August 17 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Astrology of the Star Souls Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
August 17 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Star Souls – our children, young adults and parents are now coming into the world with purpose and spiritual awareness. Astrology can help us understand these special young ones. We, as parents, can help our star children to grow into and share their gifts that are so needed to serve us in our current shift of consciousness.
To save a place, pre-registration with birth information for personalized chart (name, birth DATE, birth TIME, and birth PLACE) should be emailed to Nikki at nikiastro@att.net.
3 Hour Playshop $35.00
Nikki Davenport, Astrological Consultant celestialloomastrology.com
- Date:
- August 17
- Time:
- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- Cost:
- $35
- Demun Healing
- 734 Demun Avenue
Clayton, 63105 - Phone:
- 314.827.1071