Soul Salon Guided Meditation: Applied Spirituality
September 3 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
We gather starting at 6:30 to begin to sit at 7:00. The guided meditation portion of the evening will be from 7:00 to 8:00 and we will be out of the space by 8:30. If you can only be there for the hour, that is fine but be sure to arrive before 7:00.
Cost $ 10. Pay at the door.
Meditation is a practice in which we still our bodies and focus our minds. This process of focussing is something we call contemplation. As we practice we find that, more and more, we enjoy the experience of Meditative Mind. This practice is also called prayer.
Often we meditate as a kind of apophatic prayer. This is prayer of negation. It is free of words or images or, to the degree this is possible, even thoughts. We contemplate no thing.
Guided meditation is a kind of kataphatic prayer. It builds upon our growing ability to summon meditative mind and then uses that way of knowing to explore something important to us but which doesn’t normally come to mind.
Soul Salon is an experience of guided meditation in which we deepen into meditative awareness and then use that state of mind to explore some aspect of our awareness which matters to our overall well-being but which our daily lives rarely summon. The guide leads our awareness by suggesting a focus for our attention. The guide is not teaching in the sense of creating a framework for our understanding but rather suggests, “Look at this… now look at that.”
Because we are contemplating the same thing but are bringing different experiences to the understanding, a part of the experience is our sharing with each other what comes up for us. Sometimes we may pause the meditation to share with each other but mostly we will take time at the end of the experience to compare notes.
It is very important that we understand that there is not a right or wrong experience. We don’t share to find out who did it best, but because the diversity of experiences within the group can enrich us all.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Robinson was trained in psycho-dynamic psychotherapy through a joint program of Eden Seminary and Care and Counseling. He is well versed in cognitive behavioral therapy and is trained in the use of EMDR for addressing trauma. He is trained in the use of Internal Family System therapy having completed the Level Two training.
What I love most is helping people find new ways of being and transforming into the glorious life they are meant to have. And I’ve spent thirty years as a psychotherapist doing just that. It’s very fulfilling.
However, getting unstuck doesn’t mean giving up what you need. And it doesn’t mean becoming more skilled at changing the other person. Getting unstuck does mean finding ways to be different which have more authenticity and integrity. It means learning new perspectives and skills.
I teach those skills and guide people through a self-development process that creates new perspectives.
Some folks come to me because I am a minister. Some stay away because I am a minister. And some work with me for years without knowing I am a minister. So let me share this:
I have absolutely no interest–zero–in getting folks to agree with my religion. I’m happy to share my thoughts but I don’t need or expect others to experience spirituality the way I do.
I am versed in many religious languages. While I am a Christian, I speak Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, and know a smattering of Sufi and Kabbalah. Each language has strengths for articulating particular truths.
I do believe everyone is a spiritual being. I believe that’s just the way we are. You may have a keen sense of your purpose in life or you may feel that you have no worth to anyone–and sometimes both on the same day. I would say that’s called being human and humans struggle.
If you want to improve a conflict-ridden relationship….or perhaps you simply want to change some aspect of your life, I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you.
- Date:
- September 3
- Time:
- 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
- Cost:
- $10
- Demun Healing
- 734 Demun Avenue
Clayton, 63105 - Phone:
- 314.827.1071