Ok. So how do I meditate really? w/ Kip Trout
June 23 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Are you curious about meditation? What it is? What it can do for you? Have you ever tried it? Were you full of questions and doubt as to whether you were doing it “right”? Was it effective? Did you stick with it or ditch it as something “you couldn’t do”? Was your mind too noisy? Too busy? Were you too distracted and pulled away with suddenly urgent things to attend to? If so, welcome to meditation!!!
In this workshop we will discuss the mind, meditation, your body and provide several tips and “how to-s” to get you started with your very own personalized meditation practice. We will openly discuss efforts to date, common shortfalls, and obstacles in the path to a clearer mind and quiet mental space. We will also practice meditating once as a group and discuss our experience.
Cost to attendee is FREE, but a small donation is requested to help cover the cost of the facility.
About the Presenter: Kip Trout “I AM” is on the path, like all of you are on the path, and doesn’t claim to be an expert at anything, rather a keen observer, and would like to share some of the things he’s learned recently with the hopes of accelerating your progress. He has followed the teachings and material from many others such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Paul Selig, Yogananda, Alan Watts, Walter Russell, Neville Goddard, Jane Roberts, Ester Hicks, Drunvelo Malchezidek, and many others. His insights into creating and manifesting the life you desire come from observations on his travels through the creations of his mind and lessons learned. Humorous and engaging, honest and transparent, he offers his workshops free of charge.
- Date:
- June 23
- Time:
- 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
- Cost:
- Free
- Demun Healing
- 734 Demun Avenue
Clayton, 63105 - Phone:
- 314.827.1071