Maura Elizabeth is a 2004 graduate of the Illinois State University Music Therapy program. She practiced music therapy for 15 years, serving individuals with special needs as well as families in preparation for their birth experience.
Her passion for natural health modalities and respect for the body’s innate wisdom led her to pursue health consulting. Maura can help you activate your innate body’s healing abilities using BioResonance Feedback Therapy, Mind-body Connection (German New Medicine), essential oils, and Assisted Lymphatic Therapy. You will learn a lot about your body and daily habits that will get you feeling great and help you stay there. She will guide you through techniques to down-regulate stress states so your body can heal. Her services are appropriate for all health conditions, health goals, and diagnosis.
To learn more information or to book an appointment with Maura, please visit her booking site at FlexHealth or contact her at maura@flexhealthwithmaura.com or call or text her at 314.620.0958.
Maura’s Services
Assisted Lymphatic Therapy
The lymphatic system is the first filter in your body, but when it gets congested with old toxins, waste products, and heavy metals – these discards cannot move out of the body like they should. Instead of ridding these from the body, the lymph becomes a storage facility and stagnation sets in. This waste back up is kind of like canceling your trash pick-up service while continuing to take the bags out to the curb.
Indications that your lymph may be congested are when you:
- see cellulite
- have hormone issues
- experience trouble sleeping
- have other chronic health issues
Maura uses a Photon Sound Beam to get the lymph fluid moving. This non-invasive tool uses light and sound to create frequency waves that stimulate the body to move lymph. The effect is like a push broom which moves congested waste and gets the lymphatic drainage system functioning well again. The best part is that you will notice a difference right away!
Cost of a session is $147 for 60 minutes. Packages of 3 and 9 sessions are available. Clients can also book a combined 2-hour Assisted Lymphatic/ Mind-Body session for $217.
To learn more information or to book an appointment with Maura, please visit her booking site at FlexHealth or contact her at maura@flexhealthwithmaura.com or call or text her at 314.620.0958.
Mind-Body Connection Session
The mind and body connection is real. It is more than a neat trick using vague information that sometimes works. When studied and interpreted correctly, it is a sophisticated, consistent system for keeping you safe and well-functioning. When we haven’t learned this system, our body’s feedback of aches, discomforts, and disease can seem random. It not only explains the reasons behind symptoms, discomforts, and disease, but it also provide solutions we can implement to help our bodies find optimal health.
Everyone can learn to understand what their body is telling them – especially anyone who experiences chronic pain, food sensitivities, skin conditions, digestive issues, and hormone issues. Maura uses German New Medicine to interpret the language of the body. It is always speaking, the question is…are you listening? Mastering the mind-body connection can help you get symptoms (even long-term symptoms) under control and resolved to bring you peace of mind.
Cost of a session is $127 for 60 minutes. Packages of 3 and 9 sessions are available. Clients can also book a combined 2-hour Assisted Lymphatic/ Mind-Body session for $217.
To learn more information or to book an appointment with Maura, please visit her booking site at FlexHealth or contact her at maura@flexhealthwithmaura.com or call or text her at 314.620.0958.
BioResonance Feedback Therapy
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”
All of our organs, tissues, cells etc have a particular frequency. During your session, we will scan the frequencies of your organs, tissues, cells even down to the amino acids that make up our RNA. The scan finds points of stress that collectively are causing or will soon be causing big health challenges.
This pinpoints the best areas to focus on first rather than making us guess. From there, we can get dramatic results by getting stressed elements to go back to their normal state. This means that without spending incredible amounts of time and money, you can feel better in a short amount of time.
There are no additional labs or expensive supplements to add to this program. It compliments and assists the work of other practitioners like chiropractors and functional medicine providers.
This service is available remotely!
In person or virtual
$175 individual session, $630 package of 4 sessions in 2 weeks (save $70), $1117 package of 8 sessions in 1 month (save $283)
To learn more information or to book an appointment with Maura, please visit her booking site at FlexHealth or contact her at maura@flexhealthwithmaura.com or call or text her at 314.620.0958.