Dr. Daniel Fazio is available by appointment for Acupuncture at Demun Healing. Dr. Daniel Fazio is a chiropractic physician who takes a patient-centered approach in his care for patients. He is known by his patients to have a wonderful bedside manner, to be an excellent listener, and to be deeply invested in helping his patients achieve their optimal health goals.
Dr. Fazio is passionate about Holistic Medicine and combines the powerful techniques of Chiropractic, Five Element Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Nutrition in his treatment of patients. Dr. Fazio focuses on helping his patients correct systemic imbalances naturally and return to a state of optimal health and well-being.
To learn more information or to book an acupuncture appointment with Dan call him at 636.227.4442 or aequahealth@gmail.com.
Dan’s Services
Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture balances the flow of energy or life force – known as chi or qi (chee) – through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, the pathways are opened up which enables the body to heal itself and regain its balance.
Acupuncture can help relieve:
- muscle spasms and pain
- chronic back problems and pain
- headaches, including reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines
- neck pain
- osteoarthritis
- knee pain
- allergies
- digestive problems
- mood, depression
Acupuncture can be a relaxing therapy that brings effective relief.
Cost of a session is $65 for 60 minutes.
To learn more information or to book an appointment with Dan, call him at 636.227.4442 or aequahealth@gmail.com.